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Now that the summer has begun, and the heat has finally arrived, many are those who have launched to do the Santiago's road.  That is why we want to leave you some tips so that the journey is as good as possible for you:

1º Choose the best hours

Be careful with the hottest hours, try to get up early and leave first thing in the morning so that by noon you will have walked a large part of the stage... Try to avoid the hours with the highest degrees so that your health does not suffer too much.

2º Hydrate more

If drinking a lot of water is always important when we do the Camino de Santiago, in summer it is even more so... Try to always carry water with you and drink from time to time to stay hydrated.

3 º wear cool clothes

Clothing is important, it must be fresh and allow your body to breathe well... But also, it will be good that you protect your body from the sun's rays since they are exposed for many hours.

Wear full protection, wear a hat, and sometimes long-sleeved clothing if it is fresh will prevent burns...

4th Eye with footwear

And, of course, footwear will be the most important. This should be fresh, but also comfortable... Do not jump into wearing sandals just because you think they are comfortable. Think that you will cover many kilometers every day.

In this way, choose footwear that does not give your feet excessive heat, that is comfortable and that you have already used on several occasions.

5º Enjoy the Camino de Santiago

From its shadows, its meadows, from the terraces of the towns that you visit... And it is that if you can already do this at other times of the year, in summer with the good temperatures even more.

Stop to take a nap or rest in the shade of a tree, take a dip if you pass through a river (that is safe), a beach or even in a public pool, enjoy the terraces... And, above all, have a good way.


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